Tuesday, April 24, 2012

I thought of you

As I was doing my Quiet time in the evening, and spending time with my soul lover,
I thought of you.
I was just about to go to bed and just before I hit the sack,
I thought of you.
I said good night, and just as I was about to walk into dreamland,
I thought of you.
In my dreams you are a reality and each night you are in my dreams
Woke up in the morning, and after praying to the Almighty,
I thought of you,
So I closed my eyes and there you were.

Was going through fire and nothing seemed to go right,
Just the thought of you and I knew I'd make it to the other side.
Somewhere between I got lost and I did not know wether to turn back and run or
move forward despite the challenge.
One thought of you and it was crystal clear that you would always be there with
thick and thin, you have been there.
In good times and in the worst of time you have been my confidant and my safe haven.
A year down the roller coaster and you still take my breath away each time
you say you love me,
The sacred promise to always love you is one that will be kept forever.

You have been closer than my thoughts,
More real than the blood that flows through my veins,
You are my SI unit for constant,
for when all is said and done,
You are constantly on my mind.
It might not always seem as so but you can be assured that you are and will always
be in my mind, and in my heart.

As the thoughts of you run my mind all day and night
I pray for you.
I pray that the Lord gives you wisdom to rule this kingdom of ours.
I pray that He gives you the strength to protect us and guide us through the trials.
I pray that God gives you the charisma to lead us to Him.
And above all I pray that God gives you Joy,and Peace that suprasses all human understanding.

You will always be in my mind and in my heart! :)

Tigoni Ebike Tour

  I did a THING! Woke up bright and early, drove to the end of the world (okay, fine, a few miles shy of THE END of the world) just to ride ...