Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kryptonite - Ain't No Super woman

There are things / events /situation that you experience and they change your entire worldview. The way you talk /think/approach life changes completely. Holding a small human being who holds your heart.

You steal a glance at joy and don't even bother to hide it.
Sugar Bunny
Miss Emma

Now, you are more intentional in all interactions with life. You pay attention to every breath / every second and you want to make them count. So you spend a little more time looking at the moon, looking into his/her eyes. The embraces linger on a bit more than usual, handshakes are a bit more firm and smiles come from the soul. 

You are in awe of God's faithfulness.

You step away from the box and coloring inside the lines and put away the crayons. Look at the entire picture not just the pieces that make it up. You marvel at just how every stroke was beautifully and carefully calibrated to give such an auspicious master piece.

You smile and look like a fool. 

Today you don't have the will to care about how you look or what the person seated next to you will think of you. Not today. Today, you feel, let all the emotions in and let them sip through the skin into the surface. 

You tell the parents that they are doing an amazing job with your kryptonite. 

Make a mental note to pray for them. To cover them in prayers. To let them know that they are awesome parents and they are bringing world influence-rs. 

Baba na Mama lady Ema, Baba na Mama Bunny, Baba na Mama Nate. Nothing but love for y'all. 

Tigoni Ebike Tour

  I did a THING! Woke up bright and early, drove to the end of the world (okay, fine, a few miles shy of THE END of the world) just to ride ...