Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who He Is

In his arms my safe haven is evoked, and in his eyes my future flashes
With one look, I forget to breath and with one touch the world come to a HALT
The sound of his voice turns the thunder into a squeak, and the same voice brings serenity
Two words in my heart, three words take my breath away, but four words will change my life forever.
Newness in every meeting, fondness in every character!

I thought I had it all figured out. All the cards had been laid down and the stage was set
A chapter of this life had come to an end, so I thought
Till I walked into the room full of you!
Many walls you have had to tear down and many more you have built to keep us in
A kingdom is coming up, let the world know! Let all know that in him I have found me.

In his heart my home is made, and in my mind his tent is pitched
Selflessness and humility are pillars of his character, and salvation his way of life
To know him one needs to seek the author of his salvation, and to love him means to give all
With a smile on his face and warmth in his eye ice melts away like snow in summer
There is no room for skeletons or hushed emotions for he loves me as I am!

In the raging sea he is the sound of calmness,
In my heart he is the king and in my mind he is the constant
Through his love I experience God’s love and in his character I see God’s faithfulness
He is more than a hero, more than any imagination, more than a phantom, more than a lover,
He is more than a leader, more than a friend, more than a companion- he is all of these
He is the one whose voice sends chills down my spine!

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