Thursday, September 27, 2012
Gratitude is a feeling that is soon facing the music that the mammoth and the dinosaur faced! ‘There is nothing much to be grateful for considering the afflictions that rock the human species every single day’ you might say. But like Friedrich Schiller ones said “if you have never seen beauty in a moment of suffering, you have never seen beauty at all. If you have never seen joy in a beautiful face, you have never seen joy at all” the same applies with gratitude “if you have never felt gratitude in the middle of a storm, you have never experienced it”. It has been said that we are living in the last day. Okay before you click the NEXT BLOG button, hear me out. Yes I know it sounds very cliché “we are living in the end times”, so at the risk of loosing you to other blogs I will peruse this concept. In 2 Tim. 3:2, paul writes to timothy saying: "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, UNTHANKFUL, unholy." Is this not the current situation? It is now a man-eats-man society! We all are out to get rich quickly and get to drive the cars of our dreams, live in that house you have always dreamed of, have your music played in the radio stations, wear the latest trendy clothes, basically be a –somebody in the society.
All the hustles and bustles of the world are weighing us down, being grumpy and sad is slowly but surely becoming a way of life. Not to say that we should always have smiles plastered on our faces, for we all are aware of Ecclesiates 8:6. For there is a proper time and procedure for every matter, though a man's misery weighs heavily upon him. I will go on a limp hear and share with you my experience. A couple of months ago, I was on the verge of giving in to life’s “fair blows”. I had graduated from university, and my good friend job was playing its favorite game ‘hard to get.’ Everything in my life was in shambles and I couldn’t seem to catch a break. Most of my friends with whom we had graduated with had something good going on for them. I was happy for them all but there was a cloud of sadness looming over my head! According to me, I should be in a job working hard to move to the next step of life! Move out from home and sow like my big brother did. All this while gratitude was slipping away and I was too busy looking for my friend job to notice. Since I have never been the sharing type *gasp* I’d mostly wind up in my room and just cry myself silly asking endless questions as to why things weren’t working out as they should be.
This was my wake up call. One day during my shenanigans, I got a text from angel (mother) 1thessalonians 5:18 Give thanks in all circumstances: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. I read the text in passing and I was about to reply with an “ooh thanx angel and God bless” but just before I hit the send button the ever present voice in the head asked... ‘..Are you sure you have understood the verse?’ most of the times the voices in my head don’t ask questions. They mostly tell me to do really sane things like stand in the middle of the road and dance salsa to the music that has not yet been written or stare weirdly at the monuments in the city center or just stand and greet passers. So when this particular voice asked the question I was sure it was THE VOICE! Have I really been grateful? The answer was no! What I didn’t have was all that I was thinking of! When I got home that day, I wrote down all the things that I was grateful for.
1. the Voices in my head that keep me entertained
2. \my angel who sends me awesome texts every other day and always has my back
3. Princess for being silly little her
4. Lil Mo for being inquisitive and always ready to offer solutions to his own created hypothetical problems
5. Rev sir for the tough life lessons
6. Brother Africa for the words of wisdom and encouragement
7. Missy for her realness and beautiful spirit!
In short the little things are what we should be grateful for! Thanksgiving is an attitude of the heart, and when a person is unthankful, their heart is not right
Thursday, August 16, 2012
When the bible(my favorite book of all times) says that the word of God is alive! myeen you better believe it! Was at Madlove BS yesterday en boy oh boy! So we have been going through the book of Acts and it has been great! We have studied how the apostles went through fire how they kept they head up and carried on with the task assigned to them! If you have not read the book of Acts, eeh you are missing out on ALOT!
I would love to take you through all the apostles great work, but that would be doing you wrong since you need to read it yourself. So before I begin my usual bore :) let me go to the point. So there is this dude called Stephen (let's call him Stevo :) ). So Stevo was not an apostle..*shaking head* nope! well from my imagination, Stevo was your kawaida homeboy who just loved the lord enough to do what the apostles asked him to do. The apostles appointed Stevo to be a waiter. Okay seriously! God's sense of humor huwa kali. As in what God sees in us goes beyond our careers :) how cool is that! Looking keenly we all know that Stephen was the first martyr, ever wondered how his life was? well he is famous for his death at least a majority know,but what about the life that he lived? wangapi wanajua? So a waiter performed great wonders, miracles and spoke with such authority yani hadi arguing with the members of the synagogue, Eish! This is like someone who the closest he has ever gotten to a school is reading the HALLO CHILDREN arguing with a PHD holder who has written like ten million books (I exaggerate a tard bit). To add on to the absurdity, the topic they are arguing about is one that the PHD holder has been studying all his life and burnt the midnight oil trying to get his Thesis done. thihih. The amazing part of this story is, even with his Permanent head Destruction PHD, he still can't compare to the wisdom displayed by the Hallo Children reader!
Then chapter 7 ndio kali_est! as in Steve's answer to the question from the high priest is just beautiful! He goes on to walk them through their history. hehe really Steve? Who even does that? Seriously dude, hapa ndio mtu anafaa kuanza kujitetea! Then verse 51-54 just killed me!
Talk of being a bold witness and calling this as they are! I think Christians (me being one of them) need to go back to the drawing board! Being a christian is not a game of popularity! There are NO GREY areas! PERIOD! Is homosexuality a disorder or a sin? ARE YOU KIDDING me? Are little white liesthat do not hurt any one okay? OF COURSE THEY ARE NOT DARLING!!! Talking behind people's back can't be that bad right? Nope,not at all, question is would you continue to do so if JC appeared whilst you were in the midst of the ooh so juicy gossip? If the answer is yes, then by all means talk on!
Being a christian is NOT for the weak! It will hurt as hell but The word of God is alive and if you let it live in you, then in the rocking sea and all the stormy weather, you will look up and see Jesus seated at the right hand of the father.
Talk of being a bold witness and calling this as they are! I think Christians (me being one of them) need to go back to the drawing board! Being a christian is not a game of popularity! There are NO GREY areas! PERIOD! Is homosexuality a disorder or a sin? ARE YOU KIDDING me? Are little white lies
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Get up And Walk
I have been writing this blog in my head for the past week. Ha! The back space button has eventually given in due to the gazillion times I have long pressed it each time I start the blog! Mhh :) Anyhuu such is life yes?
So I have been away for some months yes, well no apologies there and I will not bore you with the details of my super crashing heartbreaking and painful heartbreak. As in if I was to write a movie based on my life, it would probably end at IT'S OVER heheh :). Since I am the Kinda girl who talks out her heart and wears it on her sleeve (all pun intended) I told my once upon munchkin of how I really felt! Okay well even if I did it wouldn't make any difference :). Anyhuu guess that is over and I need to practice my poker face, show no emotions at all, well and buy more pillows since I now need 4 each night to keep changing them when they get wet :)
Since this is not a post where I pour out my heart, heheh, I will go straight to the point. walking the talk is something I never thought I'd have to deal with. But since life is not kind enough to send us a request on what we would like from it, here I am. Breakups are never easy, regardless the circumstances! The temptation to talk ill of your Ex is great, but this would just be the hurt talking, staying cool and keeping your head high calls for Grace and courage which is NOT EASY. The realization that things were over way before the words were said is harder.
It takes all the energy to carry on like life is okay when all you want is to stop and just breath. I once asked God to stop the world and give me a minute to cry myself silly, but never happened, He instead stood with me as the world went by oblivious of my nonexistence in it. Once Again I am with Him as the world goes on. So I will hide in me
This will be hard I can tell, but I shall walk through it all with my head held high. I ask God to give me the grace and serenity to accept this and I will thank Him for the wisdom He has given.
Dear God Please keep me from getting angry or hating Ex-Munchkin. Give me control of the emotions.
Since this is not a post where I pour out my heart, heheh, I will go straight to the point. walking the talk is something I never thought I'd have to deal with. But since life is not kind enough to send us a request on what we would like from it, here I am. Breakups are never easy, regardless the circumstances! The temptation to talk ill of your Ex is great, but this would just be the hurt talking, staying cool and keeping your head high calls for Grace and courage which is NOT EASY. The realization that things were over way before the words were said is harder.
It takes all the energy to carry on like life is okay when all you want is to stop and just breath. I once asked God to stop the world and give me a minute to cry myself silly, but never happened, He instead stood with me as the world went by oblivious of my nonexistence in it. Once Again I am with Him as the world goes on. So I will hide in me
This will be hard I can tell, but I shall walk through it all with my head held high. I ask God to give me the grace and serenity to accept this and I will thank Him for the wisdom He has given.
Dear God Please keep me from getting angry or hating Ex-Munchkin. Give me control of the emotions.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
I thought of you
As I was doing my Quiet time in the evening, and spending time with my soul lover,
I thought of you.
I was just about to go to bed and just before I hit the sack,
I thought of you.
I said good night, and just as I was about to walk into dreamland,
I thought of you.
In my dreams you are a reality and each night you are in my dreams
Woke up in the morning, and after praying to the Almighty,
I thought of you,
So I closed my eyes and there you were.
Was going through fire and nothing seemed to go right,
Just the thought of you and I knew I'd make it to the other side.
Somewhere between I got lost and I did not know wether to turn back and run or
move forward despite the challenge.
One thought of you and it was crystal clear that you would always be there with
thick and thin, you have been there.
In good times and in the worst of time you have been my confidant and my safe haven.
A year down the roller coaster and you still take my breath away each time
you say you love me,
The sacred promise to always love you is one that will be kept forever.
You have been closer than my thoughts,
More real than the blood that flows through my veins,
You are my SI unit for constant,
for when all is said and done,
You are constantly on my mind.
It might not always seem as so but you can be assured that you are and will always
be in my mind, and in my heart.
As the thoughts of you run my mind all day and night
I pray for you.
I pray that the Lord gives you wisdom to rule this kingdom of ours.
I pray that He gives you the strength to protect us and guide us through the trials.
I pray that God gives you the charisma to lead us to Him.
And above all I pray that God gives you Joy,and Peace that suprasses all human understanding.
You will always be in my mind and in my heart! :)
I thought of you.
I was just about to go to bed and just before I hit the sack,
I thought of you.
I said good night, and just as I was about to walk into dreamland,
I thought of you.
In my dreams you are a reality and each night you are in my dreams
Woke up in the morning, and after praying to the Almighty,
I thought of you,
So I closed my eyes and there you were.
Was going through fire and nothing seemed to go right,
Just the thought of you and I knew I'd make it to the other side.
Somewhere between I got lost and I did not know wether to turn back and run or
move forward despite the challenge.
One thought of you and it was crystal clear that you would always be there with
thick and thin, you have been there.
In good times and in the worst of time you have been my confidant and my safe haven.
A year down the roller coaster and you still take my breath away each time
you say you love me,
The sacred promise to always love you is one that will be kept forever.
You have been closer than my thoughts,
More real than the blood that flows through my veins,
You are my SI unit for constant,
for when all is said and done,
You are constantly on my mind.
It might not always seem as so but you can be assured that you are and will always
be in my mind, and in my heart.
As the thoughts of you run my mind all day and night
I pray for you.
I pray that the Lord gives you wisdom to rule this kingdom of ours.
I pray that He gives you the strength to protect us and guide us through the trials.
I pray that God gives you the charisma to lead us to Him.
And above all I pray that God gives you Joy,and Peace that suprasses all human understanding.
You will always be in my mind and in my heart! :)
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