Saturday, August 4, 2012

Get up And Walk

I have been writing this blog in my head for the past week. Ha! The back space button has eventually given in due to the gazillion times I have long pressed it each time I start the blog! Mhh :) Anyhuu such is life yes? So I have been away for some months yes, well no apologies there and I will not bore you with the details of my super crashing heartbreaking and painful heartbreak. As in if I was to write a movie based on my life, it would probably end at IT'S OVER heheh :). Since I am the Kinda girl who talks out her heart and wears it on her sleeve (all pun intended) I told my once upon munchkin of how I really felt! Okay well even if I did it wouldn't make any difference :). Anyhuu guess that is over and I need to practice my poker face, show no emotions at all, well and buy more pillows since I now need 4 each night to keep changing them when they get wet :) .
Since this is not a post where I pour out my heart, heheh, I will go straight to the point. walking the talk is something I never thought I'd have to deal with. But since life is not kind enough to send us a request on what we would like from it, here I am. Breakups are never easy, regardless the circumstances! The temptation to talk ill of your Ex is great, but this would just be the hurt talking, staying cool and keeping your head high calls for Grace and courage which is NOT EASY. The realization that things were over way before the words were said is harder.
It takes all the energy to carry on like life is okay when all you want is to stop and just breath. I once asked God to stop the world and give me a minute to cry myself silly, but never happened, He instead stood with me as the world went by oblivious of my nonexistence in it. Once Again I am with Him as the world goes on. So I will hide in me
This will be hard I can tell, but I shall walk through it all with my head held high. I ask God to give me the grace and serenity to accept this and I will thank Him for the wisdom He has given.
Dear God Please keep me from getting angry or hating Ex-Munchkin. Give me control of the emotions.

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