Friday, May 18, 2018

5 day employment

Last week I attempted norm. Waking up super early to be in town (County 47) by 0600hrs (latest) so that I can go to a 'job' that I don't like at all! (DATA ENTRY).(That is normal, right?)
So each morning at 0445hrs I was the chic with a backpack running to catch the bus(A bus that leaves the estate at 0455hrs - or earlier). 
The first day (Monday) I was rained on, and had to literally chase the bus down, because it was one of those days the driver decided to leave early. As I ran towards the bus in the rain, the one question that was in my mind is :'Ice, is this worth it?'BUT I had no time to answer that! The bus was leaving, I didn't want to know if I am meant to be in it or not, all I wanted was to be in the bus! To go where it was going because : Norm! i caught up with it soaked! The following day I carried an umbrella, got out of the house earlier. No rain! The bus left later than it normally does ; There was no wining! ( this life)
How many times we get so caught up in the mundane of trying to fit in. Not to be left with the bus called life, chasing down things that aren't even meant to be ours, trying so hard to get to a place that we are not supposed to be in. 

This continued for a week. 5 days! Waking up at 0400hrs hours to be early to a job that I don't like/ pays in cowrie shells because: - Entry level! I wanted a source to replenish my account that keeps slipping in and out of a coma! I didn't even have time to ask how the cowrie shells will be converted to pennies, leave alone shillings! The focus was get a job, be normal! ( fit in)

Also, the work venue was really AMAZING! They had benches in the field that I saw myself hanging out with Greyson, there were horses around (one of the employees was riding). There was a pool that called out my name even though we'd never met. There was a gym that I would use in my head. And on that particular day, It was raining. This was home. 
However 5 days into norm, the head refused to be part of the fantasy the heart was living in. It was woke!A resignation letter was drafted, and sent!That was my 5day employment period. Maybe I will try it some other time, but for now.... Sticking to  this

As for guys who can keep up with this dissonance, *hats off. 
Now for Random pics :) Because I can :)
Randomly Planned Hangs Because I can

It is a good Life
About to take a bow
Bow Taken

Side eyeing my bank Account

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