Sunday, March 13, 2011


Corruption, impunity, dispensation, these names are often used to describe the guys in power or some leaders. Few people step back to review their lives in relation to these names. What does it mean to be corrupt? Or is this a prestigious vice set aside for the ‘who is who’ in the society? Do you think you have engaged in any corrupt, impeditive acts today? In order to answer these questions objectively, we need to decipher these terms. Corruption (misuse of public office for private gain) varies form patronage to kleptocracy. Let us stop at this point and press the rewind button! Patronage which is believed to be ‘baby corruption’ means giving favors to some person, group, or institution. Kleptocracy then becomes the ‘corruption father’ in the literal means being governed by thieves (corruption at its very best). Now that we have that settled, let us talk about our involvement in corruption. At this point you might want to move from this blog, but you have come this far, so what is there to loose? Let’s indulge! Edmund Burke said “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Sitting in the living room hurling insults or having a conversation with the presenter on the other side of your television set does not count as part of doing something. Now you see why being audio visual Christian is imperative? The need to walk the talk cannot be emphasized enough.

It is known that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) but what about them that stand on the side of the road and watch the thief still the side mirrors of the car across the road? Is it enough that he (by-stander) malevolently talks about the rampant rise of crime in the safety of his house? What the ‘by-stander’ does not take into consideration is that the car being vandalized could have been his and there could be witness who cursed under his breath and walked on. Being morally upright, steering clear of the trouble and living right is proper but not enough. More ’round the clock’ Christians and less ‘Sunday Christians is what is needed.

This weekend challenge is to go the extra mile of being a Christian. Them that are deemed to be corrupt did not wake up one morning and to find themselves corrupt; it’s a vice that had been fed over years. It might have started with jaywalking, moved up to littering, before long they were paying for good grades, and now holding the country for ransom. Just like the mustard seed, corruption grows but so does the audio visual Christian.

What would the freedom fighters think?

Can you put a price tag on your freedom? A little absurd and far fetched it might seem, but the reality is that there is a price to everything (at least in Kenya there is). There have been endless stories of people put behind bars for over eight years for allegedly stealing chicken while we have many other people walking ‘scot free’ after embezzling millions of shillings. When the coalition government took over, Kenyans were hopeful that this would see the rise of a new dawn that their forefathers had laid down their lives to get, two years down the lane and what we can show is more despaired faces and few bellied members of parliament.

Walking among us are those who were and still are internally displaced, as if that is not bad enough the there are now talks of the Attorney-General writing to the Treasury seeking for legal financial assistance for the suspects of the ones under investigation by the Hague. This comes at a time when the country is staring at drought right in its cruel blood thirsty eyes. Thousands of people have lost their crops and livestock. As each day passes, the drought keeps taking toll of the people’s health and the numbers of malnourished and starving are on the rise. The food reserves are quickly dwindling and there are no signs of rain in the next three months.
Kenyan’s are best known for their generosity and it in this spirit of giving that one Mr Kamlesh Pattni (the architect of the Goldenberg scandal) was out giving Santa Claus a hand in delivering gifts to boys and girls who had have been good through out the year. This time he was in Libya giving leopard skin to President Muammar Gaddafi. The skin was a gift presented to the president when more than 50 kenyan elders visited his country. No one seems to know where Mr.Pattni got the skin and how it was exported out of the country. The Kenya wildlife Service has to sign off on any trophy outside Kenya.

Our fore fathers must be turning in their graves as they look at what is going on in the country today.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

stupidly smitten

The world never stops, not even for a milli second
I have proof that it does!
Heard his unspoken words and the world came to a stand still
Everything came to a stand still!
The birds listened to my pounding heart; the trees awaited my breath,
The sun hid behind the cloud; and the air couldn’t find its way to me!
I need not go to space! It jusT came to me and Alas! The world STOPPED

I know it’s not his irresistible cologne or the killer smile
It sure aign’t his scrumptious mouth watering dishes,
Neither is it the charisma showcased in his sway!
What is it about him that takes my breath away every time I think of him?
Why does his voice linger on in my mind long after the goodnights?
Are the ulcers terrified of his existence?

So this be my prayer
Lord-Your will be done!
If another gets to feel the earth come to a stand still,
Thank You God for the opportunity of having a dazzling friend
And if he be my king,

Tigoni Ebike Tour

  I did a THING! Woke up bright and early, drove to the end of the world (okay, fine, a few miles shy of THE END of the world) just to ride ...