Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Emergence

So turns out that it has been  months since I did a post *insert grin* ha! Well nothing related to This blog. if you are curious. I'd like to give a profound reason, but seeing that there is none, I shall go on and show you what I have been doing.
Work: As we all know work is such an integral part of my day to day that most of the time it doesn't even fill like it is work :)
Mike Aka B.Brother Africa

Mila Muriithi 
 Got to see these 2 amazing people walk down the aisle 

It was such a beautiful wedding.. *Sign* Fresh :).
Other than the wedding, Dressdown has kept me away too. :) well not so much but, hey away all the same. You can check out more pics here :)


Now let's get to the MAIN reason why I was away. hehe

Oh how time has Flown! *Shocked look*

The gal who takes all my money!!

These gals bless my life! BS Tings

Major Selfie!

So I cut my hair en joined Team Natural! 

Ahem.. Grace en Ha, Remember this? LOL 

This day always plays back in my head en I smile ALOT! You  two know why

We try to be fierce 
We still gat it! Dance Tings
Once in a while we have Serious meetings :) 
I try to be a rock star, but most of the time it is a big FAIL
But I love the trials heheh 
MadLove BS ladies. Gwash! The Smiles
Top Random Fwends :) 
Mama Keeps growing Younger Each year. I
need to find out the SECRET
Visiting Moji. One awesome family I Have in Madlove BS
Diva Look! 
Every so often we go back home (Embu)
we love it there
Amazing ladies :)
When DD is around, she calls for all randomness!
She's  the QueenB of RANDOMNESS!
Yes This is part of work too
Candle lighting tings
Whoever said looks can be deciving
MUST have had this lil miss in Mind!
This is one Event you cannot Afford to miss
2nd edition coming soon!
Truth Be told I have CRAZY friends
Yep there we have it! Where I have been for the past 9 Months

This pic has nothing to do with the post
It just looked good to have it there :)
My life is full of these mascaraing as friends ! 


  1. Awwwhhhh.... Am so jazzed! These are the blogs I would love to read... Those that leave you happy and smiling... :-)

  2. Finally found you :) :)


Tigoni Ebike Tour

  I did a THING! Woke up bright and early, drove to the end of the world (okay, fine, a few miles shy of THE END of the world) just to ride ...