Saturday, January 24, 2015

Hoarder ALERT!!!

Turns out, and I am finally coming to the the acceptance that I am a hoarder.

Yep one who  accumulates, collects, and stores things/emotions/letters/and occasionally people. Yep I'm that girl who will be the last to know that she's been dumped or that everyone else has moved on to other places/other stages/other callings/ yes and other girls. 

All this is because I hoard everything!!. Explains why I still can't I let go of that first letter I got 2562days ago...I mean it's been long enough wouldn't you agree. Or the empty perfume bottle that has been taking up way too much space on my dresser. Now there's no room for new perfume and the clutter is quite perturbing.

Prolly it's because that letter takes me back to a time when I was head over heels in love with one who was so wrong for me but made me feel ooh so right. Or the scent that took me back to a time when my world revolved around him. Now all that's several lite years ago. May it's time to let go. Like really let go of it all. 

Let go of the letters - No one does that any more right. 
Let go of the empty bottles- they just emphasis more on just how empty I am..
Let go of the hurt- doesn't even build me a hut to shelter me from scorching sun or even a hat to keep me from getting sun burns. All it Does is cause my heart to ache.

Letting things go. 

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