Monday, July 20, 2015

Weekend Musings

This Sunday we(A group of Pastors Kids) went visiting with the children in KNH. Talk about trying to walk in our parents shoes :) . And we got to bring in our friends too.  Yes, if you didn't know,  now you know.. I am a PK. A title I wear proudly despite the ooh so common notion that PKs (not the chewing gum. Pastors' Kids) are spoilt brats.  To be honest, I have had my fair share of that side.  Being God's grandchild (considering my parents are His children) isn't as cool as it sounds. The sneaking out of the house instead of just informing the parents that I will be out till late. I don't even know why I chose such hard roads. They would have let me go if I asked. Smh. However that's a Story for a different post. 

This has nothing to do with the post :)

Where was I, yes,  KNH's little angels.  Kids scare the daylight out of me. Really they do! They have the powers to see past any pretense and when they look into your eyes, I can bet they see right through them into your soul. Have you ever gotten a hug from a child? If you haven't, you have not yet lived. One hug brings down all the walls you might have put up and brings you to your knees. Broken... See why they scare me...
Waitheres and a little angel.
 Now these ones are a class above kids that I have been around. These kids have all the reasons to be sad and gloomy, have  long faces and I would understand that.  I mean I get a slight headache and Sometimes act like the entire world is about to end. Or one of those mornings I wake up with an extra forehead or none of the rings can fit my fingers and I am ready to throw in the towel. These angels were all smiles, oblivious to the reasons they were there.
The kids are a family.  They fought over who needs to have the remote control and sang along to the fronzen theme song. Sweetest thing ever! They knew each other's names and what ailed the other member of the family.
See why they scare me? I mean how can one be so selfless? So caring and at peace in the middle of a raging storm?

This week,  the challenge is to get out if my mind and into His will to be less of me and more of Him. To focus less on what I want, need, wish to have, and more of how can I be used by Him to make someone's day better, less stressful.

I couldn't leave without more photos. :) 

1 comment:

Tigoni Ebike Tour

  I did a THING! Woke up bright and early, drove to the end of the world (okay, fine, a few miles shy of THE END of the world) just to ride ...