Monday, October 31, 2016

Time Out!

Every once in a while, you get the pleasure if hearing your heart break. The sound of it is not only deafening but it also shakes your soul. It takes the little hope you had and squishes life out it.

This year, well I think I am learning to dance to the sound of my breaking heart and make art with the pieces of hope left. I keep telling the year to take a bow, the show is over, it has done an amazing performance but I think the 'Fat lady' has not yet sung so the show goes on. Maybe she too has been gutted by 2016 and is somewhere looking for her voice. If you read this 'fat Lady' Find your damn voice already! This show MUST end!
 In case you have not figured out what this is all about, well, you can quit now. Just a rant!

So I heard the president asked "what do you want me to do?" This is asked in regards to antigraft... that question cut! It felt personal Because it is.

I have heard these same words from another "president". In charge of ensuring smooth sailing at KNH Finance(the private wing.) Those same words came from this "authority” to one who brought me to this world. A storm was brewing inside by the time we left that office, Mama was ready to tell her employer he/she can go eat dust! That she was done! While I was ready turn off the humanity switch!

Let's shed some light: Mama has been working in KNH way before I could sit or stand. She has not only given her best years, but also given her heart to KNH. She loves her work, has had to go 3-5 days without sleep just to make sure that her patients are okay. I have never seen anyone who loves his/her work half as much as mama does.
Now she was in a bit of a fix, her little cub was in hospital, Insurance had misled us to believe that they would cover the cost only for them to back out the last minute and we are stuck with a bill we do not even know where to start. (Insurance, story for another day, when calmness finds its way back). So mama is in a fix, she goes through all departments to get a grace period of paying the bill and gets some forms from the legal department to be filled in the finance department. (Here is where the level of madness escalate) the Finance department see it fit to tell Mama that they DO NOT offer any credit even to their own...this is a LIE! Why would the legal department have forms for undertaking if there are no undertakings? I ask. Then comes the question "what do you want me to do"... *blank look*

And I feel many things, sometimes all things that everyone around me feels. And the feelings are visible! I see them pacing inside my head! They have conference meetings without my consent! They make decisions that not even the body can object to!

So when My president asks me 'what do you want me to do'.. these words sting! my heart breaks a little more! The state in which this state is in, breaks my heart! I think we all worked our way to mediocrity! Mediocrity in all areas is the "cool kid" and we (yes, we,) want to be 'with it'. So we make mediocrity part of 'our culture'. I have had it up to here *touches temple* I am done with having deep waters faith in the shallow end!

So what will I do? I will put on my big girl's andies and go do what needs to be done! No more passive aggression that finds courage at the comfort of the keypads! No more Que sera sera attitude! I am enraged!
Mr. President you know I have nothing but utter ,respect for you and the authority you have over this nation so feel free to go be the PRESIDENT! That is what I would like you to do!

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