ConnectCoffee ∞your heart – this is their slogan. (I translated this to
:- connecting coffee infinitely to your heart. And true to their word they do.
I never rush through my coffee; I find that very disrespectful
and inconsiderate to the beans that gave up their ghost for you to have a taste
of heaven. Catch a glimpse of how Eden must have been before it knew sin. Now
at Connect Coffee or at Barista&Co the cup takes longer to be emptied.

With each sip I see the heavens opening up, my soul savors
each undertone and the eyelids become too tired and they take a rest. I get to
know each bean that went to the grind by its name. If you are keen enough, you
can hear the symphony of each grind.
I have noticed how small and intimate the two (Barista&Co
and ConnectCoffee) places are, and I have a feeling it is by design. Your welcome
begins from your first step into the shop. The hosts that wait on you have a
soothing demeanor, they are soft spoken and it feels like each word they utter
has been put through the fire for purification. They all smile with their
essence and their eyes tell you that you matter. That you have come to the
right place. That you will forget all your troubles, that you are safe. And you
are. And you do.
As you give your order, from the menu meticulously displayed
on their wall, you want to try every type of coffee, but you know you can’t. Today
we will have the short latte (this is one of their signature cups) You Must try
As you ease your self into the tables, the music catches
your soul. The music has been carefully selected. Each song is part of an
ongoing story being narrated. There is no way you can leave in the middle of a
song. It would be like walking out of a story – no one should do that.
If you haven’t been to Connect Coffee or Barista&Co,
myeeen, do your soul a favor and just go.
Also, when you do, tell me how it was 😊.
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