Saturday, January 22, 2011

sweet Mayhem

‘Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd, Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.’ that is what William Congreve thought well he hadn’t met this disillusioned woman! Yes he would rush and scrap off the scorn and put in something more profound. It sure is a crazy world we now call home, what I wouldn’t give to trade places with the angels. Watching news now should have the parental advisory slogan. Everyone can relate to some sort of calamity, from drought, tribal clashes, dysfunctional family, broken heart, stress (I could go on forever, but I trust that you get the drift). So I sit in myself evoked sanctuary thinking of how I can bring a smile to someone’s face that is all I can do, since I am yet to perfect my magic powers. This is probably the last thing that would, but a girl can dream can’t she? There is a high possibility that you will not have gained a thing from this reading (there I go again with the presumptions that any one will ever read what I put here. Secretly I hope no one does though I will share the link on my Facebook and twitter accounts. ) so consider this your heads up. 

 We can read all the positive living books but still end up with suicidal thoughts in our heads, this doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with us nor the writers, (not so sure on the writers for I am yet to meet one, I just had to say that for it sounded smart, at least it did in my head). I wish I had answers to many of these questions it would save me some few hours’ of having to visit the ‘nutsy house’. Oh well that is neither here nor there. I hope by now you are as lost as I am in this *pausing for a moment* it’s evident that I too don’t know what to call this piece of writing. If ‘this’ is that’ writers block’ that many have written books on then they have failed to capture the mood and feelings as they are. I wonder what my home boy Albert Einstein would do if he were in my shoes. *thoughtful mili second* guess I’ll ask him when we meet.  

I would love nothing more than to sign off and leave you pissed off and vowing to block this blog as spam (I wonder if that is possible)but some inner voice isn’t going to let me, so how about some food for thought? You have come this far, so don’t navigate to any other page just yet. There are many things going wrong, it like the wild wild west up in here, but (yes wipe off that shock off your face there is a BUT) there is one thing (person in my case) that you can be thankful for. It might be that job that you have always dreamed of having and you FINALLY have it, the dream girl/boy has changed location from the dream-land to your arms, a highly coveted MA, heck it could even be the realization of your purpose on earth. Take as second and breath in the awesomeness of the beauty of having that one thing. Being the sane individual that I am, I cannot thank my angel enough. She has single handedly molded me (the hardest clay ever) into who I am today. I say single handedly not because she is alone but because she is the key person who has been my pillar, my refuge, model, and other words that are yet to be discovered. She works two jobs to see us through university and still have time to walks us through the constant condemnation that come from life (mostly from the one person who sees us as a bother despite our very close DNA similarity).  It’s like having to live with a super woman, who is a mother (the greatest ever), a wife (the best), and a hero. 

There is hope after all! So I have finally discovered how to make someone else smile, it will begin with me! I will smile from my heart so that my eyes can attest to the joy that I feel. I will ask the lord to make me be a joy so that I share myself with others. I will love with my action, not just my words and I will be who I have been taught to be- A SEVANT LEADER. I know I will have my dark moments when I will not have the strength to do all these things; hence I will turn my face to the One who lives in me to give me His strength. Everything might not be going the way I planned them to go but the faith that there is a greater power that is constantly working out my life is enough for me to sit down with a bunch of man-eaters and still smile from my heart. It might seem stupid or downright absurd, but He who overcame death, can speak to the storm, He gave His life for me to have mine, what do I have to loose??

So I leave you with these words from the deepest part of my heart:
Allow yourself to be the beacon through the darkest night for a lonely soul;
Don’t be afraid to be wings that guide a broken heart to a safe haven;
Take in a stranger and shelter him/her through the raging storm;


  1. Wow! keep writing Gal...u will get there! jus know u have a fan out here...all the support you need. I love the Inspiration...........

    'Allow yourself to be the beacon through the darkest night for a lonely soul;
    Don’t be afraid to be wings that guide a broken heart to a safe haven;
    Take in a stranger and shelter him/her through the raging storm'


Tigoni Ebike Tour

  I did a THING! Woke up bright and early, drove to the end of the world (okay, fine, a few miles shy of THE END of the world) just to ride ...