Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Comparison Bug

These streets here can deal you some massive comparison blows ( Don't let the blows take you out. They are nothing more than cotton candy blows)

So today is research day ( basically looking at Youtube Videos for inspiration) Content creation is No walk in the park I say.

I stumble on a couple's vlog ( This is the new Quail eggs, ama mimi ndiye niko late?) I watch some vlogs they have put up and myeen!! these guys are living it up (or so it seems). It looks like they are constantly traveling the world, staying in some exotic hotels surprising each other with Ferrari (yaani the whole fairly tale life). In this particular vlog post the scene is at their apartment, she is studying for some exam and he is reading a magazine ( a couple that reads together stays together -LOL) .The dude comes across a car ad and he looks up to his girlfriend...
Dude : This is a really nice car.
Lady : (looks up, Looks at the car preoccupied) yes it is. *goes back to studying*
Dude : We must get this car
Lady : ..But babe, we do not need another car.
Dude : *(mumbles something under his breath)*

Immediately : Change of scene, they are now in a car

Lady : babe, tell us what we are now doing.
Dude : *Grinning* Test driving the car I saw this morning in the magazine.

Weee!! Wacha niende pale Mulei nikakunywe kahawa and try not to measure up my life against what I see out here because I will Always fall short!

Ni hayo tu kwa sasa!

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