Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Promise

The battle within Rages on, but three words brings peace
The urge to run is constantly there but I run to you
You have the keys to my heart and I have loved you with my all
The thought of being by your side is what I need when I am down
Not a walk in the park sometimes but it’s worth the walk

All you need to do is call and I will be there by your side for that is where I belong
Divine connection you call it, super natural is what I think it is
A tripod is how we are and a triangle is what we are,
Without one of the G the tripod is not stable and will fall
At both ends of the triangle we are and we draw close by moving towards the top

With my mind made up and the hammer down, I choose you
In life and in death it will always be you,
Not even I have the authority to over turn this verdict
An answered prayer, and a precious gift is what you are to me
With every ounce of strength I will fight for us,

May we go through all the seasons of life together,
I will be your strength when you are weary, stand in the gap when you feel lost
I give my all to you

This is A promise I make to you

Saturday, September 10, 2011

The Monkey, stones, bananas, apples nephew or niece story in the pool of water!

Before you officially block this blog as spam, humor me for a few minutes. I know the headline might look all psychotic but like I keep telling you (I know YOU don’t exist, but I have to sound like people read this blog so just work with me dear voices in my head) sanity is overrated. So today I attended an engagement party that made me realize that monkeys, stones, bananas, apples, nephew or nieces are all connected. This discovery should probably fall right next to my home boy’s (Albert Einstein) law of relativity. Since I am such a romantic (cough) allow me to vividly describe to you (there I go again  ) how it was. We are all in the house right (the engager and engagee’s house- ooh yes there are such words, en if u don’t like them well get your own words! judging people because of their creativity in word construction is against the constitution! I know my right…*deep breath*I should probably stop digressing). Each one of us has a lit candle, we (around 20 ladies and gentlemen) are all sited waiting for the engagee to come home to the engager who is on his knees with a ring on one hand, a paper where he has written his poem/proposal speech/prayer/spoken word/ and a pool of water inside the circle of love heart lighting candles. I wonder where the pool of water was coming from..mmmh. Now come closer and pay attention to what I am about to reveal to you. Evidence of the Monkeys- it is common knowledge that monkeys chatter a lot when they are excited; this was the case inside the house. There were chatters here there and everywhere. Love songs were being composed, written, rehearsed, and sung all in one sitting. This is to show without any reasonable doubt that there were monkeys in the building.

The stone by now if you are bright, which I know you might or might not be, already know was the one that was being held right above the pool of water (still don’t know where the pool of water came from or why the engager was kneeling in it). This was a moment of truth. All the monkeys in the building were relocated and there was deafening silence. The engagee had walked into the house and the engager froze in his knees (I looked at the pool of water and it had increased in volume- I still don’t get where the water is coming from and why I am the only one disturbed by it.). As the engagee goes on with his poem/proposal speech/prayer/spoken word/, I notice more pools of water all around me. Now this is really strange! How comes everyone is getting pools of water while I don’t have any. I wanted to lean over to the hunk who was sitted on my left but he was too busy capturing the moment so I try to focus on the main gig and forget about the pools that everyone else apart from the me and the hunk had gotten.

On the wall were these words ‘MARRY ME’ they were embedded with banana peels and slices of apples. Now I know why the monkeys were chattering, they probably were looking for where the bananas had been thrown. Very innovative I must say, while one would only thing of bananas and apples as just fruits others see the potential they have to spark up a romantic mood. The engagee stood no chance with the engager kneeling in the pool of water, having his heart felt feelings expressed in a poem/proposal speech/prayer/spoken word/, balloons everywhere and pools of water everywhere.

The Nephew/ niece is still a grey area hence I choose the fifth on this subject. From this we learn the following
1. Engagement parties are happy, and I like happiness and warm fuzzy feelings
2. People are not bothered about pools of water that appear from nowhere (I know this will haunt for life. Thank God for my over paid shrink who sits down with me every Monday to ask me what I have been up to and how certain situations make me feel.)
3. Monkey, stones, bananas, apples nephew or niece are related.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Who He Is

In his arms my safe haven is evoked, and in his eyes my future flashes
With one look, I forget to breath and with one touch the world come to a HALT
The sound of his voice turns the thunder into a squeak, and the same voice brings serenity
Two words in my heart, three words take my breath away, but four words will change my life forever.
Newness in every meeting, fondness in every character!

I thought I had it all figured out. All the cards had been laid down and the stage was set
A chapter of this life had come to an end, so I thought
Till I walked into the room full of you!
Many walls you have had to tear down and many more you have built to keep us in
A kingdom is coming up, let the world know! Let all know that in him I have found me.

In his heart my home is made, and in my mind his tent is pitched
Selflessness and humility are pillars of his character, and salvation his way of life
To know him one needs to seek the author of his salvation, and to love him means to give all
With a smile on his face and warmth in his eye ice melts away like snow in summer
There is no room for skeletons or hushed emotions for he loves me as I am!

In the raging sea he is the sound of calmness,
In my heart he is the king and in my mind he is the constant
Through his love I experience God’s love and in his character I see God’s faithfulness
He is more than a hero, more than any imagination, more than a phantom, more than a lover,
He is more than a leader, more than a friend, more than a companion- he is all of these
He is the one whose voice sends chills down my spine!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I am not bullet proof, don’t let me fool you/
Sometimes it’s the sticks and stones that hurt the most/
I smile but I know I can’t take one more blow/
These ords are like sparks on dry summer leaves
It doesn’t take much for my soul to turn into a forest fire
How long will I be haunted by the dreams?
What if I let the dreams die and let out my wounded soul?
My heart is in constant chaos
Take this wall I have built and tear it down
Coz the walls are all glass on the outside
All these circles in my life are spinning out of control
It’s going to take more than my strength to be STILL

It’s the simplest things that keep me going
A simple cup of water, a simple hug, or a sincere smile from a stranger
The silence when words don’t come,
An answered prayed prayer
Or a awesome You!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

what it is!

In the darkness of my troubles I hide my watery eyes,
With a smile so huge the pain is still there,
This is what Kelly must have been feeling when he said he needs a hug,
But with a brave heart and a gentle spirit I listen to the cries of the world around me,
I give a hug to them that need it for in it I find one too,
I smile at the stranger in the street for in that I just might get one in return.

An iron lady is what the world sees.
All but one
He calls out my Name and all the walls built come crumbling down!
The darkness cannot hid the wet cheeks,
No pretend,
No holding back, as broken as I am I stand,
This is the moment of weakness,
Time to put the iron look down, and let out the true self.

With firmness and gentleness in his voice he speaks to my conscience.
With strength and wisdom he walks with me in the desert,
With love and sincerity in his eyes he captures my heart,
With a smile on his face the room is filled with hope, and joy.

The world might not be all colorful,
But it's Ok...God's plan to show His love and presence is overwhelmingly amazing.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Corruption, impunity, dispensation, these names are often used to describe the guys in power or some leaders. Few people step back to review their lives in relation to these names. What does it mean to be corrupt? Or is this a prestigious vice set aside for the ‘who is who’ in the society? Do you think you have engaged in any corrupt, impeditive acts today? In order to answer these questions objectively, we need to decipher these terms. Corruption (misuse of public office for private gain) varies form patronage to kleptocracy. Let us stop at this point and press the rewind button! Patronage which is believed to be ‘baby corruption’ means giving favors to some person, group, or institution. Kleptocracy then becomes the ‘corruption father’ in the literal means being governed by thieves (corruption at its very best). Now that we have that settled, let us talk about our involvement in corruption. At this point you might want to move from this blog, but you have come this far, so what is there to loose? Let’s indulge! Edmund Burke said “all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” Sitting in the living room hurling insults or having a conversation with the presenter on the other side of your television set does not count as part of doing something. Now you see why being audio visual Christian is imperative? The need to walk the talk cannot be emphasized enough.

It is known that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23) but what about them that stand on the side of the road and watch the thief still the side mirrors of the car across the road? Is it enough that he (by-stander) malevolently talks about the rampant rise of crime in the safety of his house? What the ‘by-stander’ does not take into consideration is that the car being vandalized could have been his and there could be witness who cursed under his breath and walked on. Being morally upright, steering clear of the trouble and living right is proper but not enough. More ’round the clock’ Christians and less ‘Sunday Christians is what is needed.

This weekend challenge is to go the extra mile of being a Christian. Them that are deemed to be corrupt did not wake up one morning and to find themselves corrupt; it’s a vice that had been fed over years. It might have started with jaywalking, moved up to littering, before long they were paying for good grades, and now holding the country for ransom. Just like the mustard seed, corruption grows but so does the audio visual Christian.

What would the freedom fighters think?

Can you put a price tag on your freedom? A little absurd and far fetched it might seem, but the reality is that there is a price to everything (at least in Kenya there is). There have been endless stories of people put behind bars for over eight years for allegedly stealing chicken while we have many other people walking ‘scot free’ after embezzling millions of shillings. When the coalition government took over, Kenyans were hopeful that this would see the rise of a new dawn that their forefathers had laid down their lives to get, two years down the lane and what we can show is more despaired faces and few bellied members of parliament.

Walking among us are those who were and still are internally displaced, as if that is not bad enough the there are now talks of the Attorney-General writing to the Treasury seeking for legal financial assistance for the suspects of the ones under investigation by the Hague. This comes at a time when the country is staring at drought right in its cruel blood thirsty eyes. Thousands of people have lost their crops and livestock. As each day passes, the drought keeps taking toll of the people’s health and the numbers of malnourished and starving are on the rise. The food reserves are quickly dwindling and there are no signs of rain in the next three months.
Kenyan’s are best known for their generosity and it in this spirit of giving that one Mr Kamlesh Pattni (the architect of the Goldenberg scandal) was out giving Santa Claus a hand in delivering gifts to boys and girls who had have been good through out the year. This time he was in Libya giving leopard skin to President Muammar Gaddafi. The skin was a gift presented to the president when more than 50 kenyan elders visited his country. No one seems to know where Mr.Pattni got the skin and how it was exported out of the country. The Kenya wildlife Service has to sign off on any trophy outside Kenya.

Our fore fathers must be turning in their graves as they look at what is going on in the country today.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

stupidly smitten

The world never stops, not even for a milli second
I have proof that it does!
Heard his unspoken words and the world came to a stand still
Everything came to a stand still!
The birds listened to my pounding heart; the trees awaited my breath,
The sun hid behind the cloud; and the air couldn’t find its way to me!
I need not go to space! It jusT came to me and Alas! The world STOPPED

I know it’s not his irresistible cologne or the killer smile
It sure aign’t his scrumptious mouth watering dishes,
Neither is it the charisma showcased in his sway!
What is it about him that takes my breath away every time I think of him?
Why does his voice linger on in my mind long after the goodnights?
Are the ulcers terrified of his existence?

So this be my prayer
Lord-Your will be done!
If another gets to feel the earth come to a stand still,
Thank You God for the opportunity of having a dazzling friend
And if he be my king,

Friday, February 18, 2011

Death town- The Wagala Massacre!

10th February 1984 is a date that the members of the Digodia clan in Wajir town would love to delete from their memories but they don’t have the luxury to do so. The day will forever be embedded in their brain for on this day and the two days that followed the reign of terror that befell them shook their existence. It was a day that the streets were slippery with blood, bodies were scattered and the silence was enough to make the dead turn in their graves. On this day the devil walked in their village taking lives of innocent men and molesting the women while robbing the children of their innocence. The infamous Wagala Massacre!

It has been over two decades since the massacre happened and little has been done to see to it that justice prevails. The stories told by the victims of the massacre are not only dead right heart breaking but also appalling. Thousands of people died at the hands of Kenyan security enforcement, women were rapped, and children’s hope killed and maimed. Many people look forward to the month of February but the people of Wajir this is the month that they have to re-live the ordeal and to know that no one has been held responsible for what happened kills them with every passing year.

On the 14th February 2000, the Somali community living in Canada held a demonstration protesting against the lack of justice for the felons who were responsible for the massacre. ‘The worst episode of human rights violations in Kenyan history’ is what the United Nations called it, but eerie silence from the government begs many questions. In July 2010 some of the women who survived the massacre went back to where it all happened, the Wagala air strip that hasn’t seen a single plane in 27 years. The pain in their eyes is a clear indication that time hasn’t done them justice and the hearts have grown numb with death.
Two régimes down and they all walk around like nothing ever happened. Three days of innocent Kenyans being terrorized by them that they pay to keep them safe and the master minds behind the heinous acts have been left to roam freely for 27 years! Less than 48hours to the massacre, some of government officials met in wajir’s district officer’s. some of the names and the post they held then; Benson Kaaria (P.C North Eastern Province), Bethuel Kiplagat (P.S Ministry Of Foreign affair), David Mwiraria (P.S Ministry of foreign affairs) John Gituma (P.S Ministry of Information and Broadcasting), Brigadier J.R Kibwana (Department of defence), John Kagathi (Senior Administrative Secretary-Office of the president) James Mathenge (P.S office of the president). Some of the prominent people named above deny the meeting ever took place, some refuse to comment on the proceedings of the meeting, others say that they are not at liberty to discuss government’s business whilst others cannot be reached. Why all these mixed reactions? Both the former and present president remains mum on the issue it is evident that the then government had everything to do with the massacre. The common factor between the two regimes is Amos Wako.

Why did the government carry out such atrocity?

Thursday, February 10, 2011


This world needs God
But it's easier to stand and watch
I could say a prayer and just move on like nothing's wrong


I don't want to live like i don't care
I don't want to say another empty prayer
I refuse to sit around and wait for someone else to do what God has called me to do
I could choose not to move


Desperate cries haunt my sleep each night,
cries from a starving child, a rape victim,
a lost soul, a bartered wife, a jobless young man, a single mother...
they all haunt my sleep!
Dreams have to be put on hold!


To stand and watch the weary and lost cry out for help
To turn my back and try and act like all is well
To stay unchanged
To wait another day
To die to myself
To make one more excuse


I know we are Your hands and feet
Dear God
So if you Say MOVE
Then it is time for me to follow through
And do what i was made to do

love of my LIfe (J.C)

looking for color in a shade of grey
looking for love in a drop of rain
trying to find change from the old mundane
but everything I do just feels the same

A day without you is a thousand years
A day without you is a million years
tell me why do I run when I am in fear
why do I run when you are so near
been spending my life out in the weather
been gone so long and i need some shelter

I just want to be close to you
I am yours
you can have all of me, anything, and everything

Saturday, January 22, 2011

sweet Mayhem

‘Heav'n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn'd, Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn'd.’ that is what William Congreve thought well he hadn’t met this disillusioned woman! Yes he would rush and scrap off the scorn and put in something more profound. It sure is a crazy world we now call home, what I wouldn’t give to trade places with the angels. Watching news now should have the parental advisory slogan. Everyone can relate to some sort of calamity, from drought, tribal clashes, dysfunctional family, broken heart, stress (I could go on forever, but I trust that you get the drift). So I sit in myself evoked sanctuary thinking of how I can bring a smile to someone’s face that is all I can do, since I am yet to perfect my magic powers. This is probably the last thing that would, but a girl can dream can’t she? There is a high possibility that you will not have gained a thing from this reading (there I go again with the presumptions that any one will ever read what I put here. Secretly I hope no one does though I will share the link on my Facebook and twitter accounts. ) so consider this your heads up. 

 We can read all the positive living books but still end up with suicidal thoughts in our heads, this doesn’t mean that there is anything wrong with us nor the writers, (not so sure on the writers for I am yet to meet one, I just had to say that for it sounded smart, at least it did in my head). I wish I had answers to many of these questions it would save me some few hours’ of having to visit the ‘nutsy house’. Oh well that is neither here nor there. I hope by now you are as lost as I am in this *pausing for a moment* it’s evident that I too don’t know what to call this piece of writing. If ‘this’ is that’ writers block’ that many have written books on then they have failed to capture the mood and feelings as they are. I wonder what my home boy Albert Einstein would do if he were in my shoes. *thoughtful mili second* guess I’ll ask him when we meet.  

I would love nothing more than to sign off and leave you pissed off and vowing to block this blog as spam (I wonder if that is possible)but some inner voice isn’t going to let me, so how about some food for thought? You have come this far, so don’t navigate to any other page just yet. There are many things going wrong, it like the wild wild west up in here, but (yes wipe off that shock off your face there is a BUT) there is one thing (person in my case) that you can be thankful for. It might be that job that you have always dreamed of having and you FINALLY have it, the dream girl/boy has changed location from the dream-land to your arms, a highly coveted MA, heck it could even be the realization of your purpose on earth. Take as second and breath in the awesomeness of the beauty of having that one thing. Being the sane individual that I am, I cannot thank my angel enough. She has single handedly molded me (the hardest clay ever) into who I am today. I say single handedly not because she is alone but because she is the key person who has been my pillar, my refuge, model, and other words that are yet to be discovered. She works two jobs to see us through university and still have time to walks us through the constant condemnation that come from life (mostly from the one person who sees us as a bother despite our very close DNA similarity).  It’s like having to live with a super woman, who is a mother (the greatest ever), a wife (the best), and a hero. 

There is hope after all! So I have finally discovered how to make someone else smile, it will begin with me! I will smile from my heart so that my eyes can attest to the joy that I feel. I will ask the lord to make me be a joy so that I share myself with others. I will love with my action, not just my words and I will be who I have been taught to be- A SEVANT LEADER. I know I will have my dark moments when I will not have the strength to do all these things; hence I will turn my face to the One who lives in me to give me His strength. Everything might not be going the way I planned them to go but the faith that there is a greater power that is constantly working out my life is enough for me to sit down with a bunch of man-eaters and still smile from my heart. It might seem stupid or downright absurd, but He who overcame death, can speak to the storm, He gave His life for me to have mine, what do I have to loose??

So I leave you with these words from the deepest part of my heart:
Allow yourself to be the beacon through the darkest night for a lonely soul;
Don’t be afraid to be wings that guide a broken heart to a safe haven;
Take in a stranger and shelter him/her through the raging storm;

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Dear Diary

Oh Wonderful time!!
After the COM459 class i am looking forward to my free day tomorrow when i will not have to get out of my PJ( i will be in heaven just me, my mug coffee (who cares if tis 1000 degrees in athi any time is coffee time), cake, and King Julian-) A perfect Thursday. Too bad I cant fast forward to tomorrow (i am still working on my fast-forward super powers, the fire powers are proving too hard to be mastered in the allocated time). Walking to SCU- where my room is i can't help but think of how this Semester has been, despite 'The Break-Up' with my once price charming it has been a smooth rocky ride. started off a bit sluggish with feelings of being lost, not knowing how i would get through school without the stares from 'former prince charming' friends and the too mushy pals who think all i want to do is have slumber parties where we all sit and enjoy the disgusting over dose of sugar (ice-cream and chocolates), paint each others' nails and cry all night..aarrgghh as if my life wasn't complicated enough. And not to mention the million dollar question which everyone wanted to know "what happened between you two?" mmh thanks to the sky spirits for SCU my safe haven.

In SCU, the people are lively and that's exactly want i need people who are too engrossed in their lives to bother about the minor details of mine. PURE BLISS. LOLing is the order of the day in this land. The best memories of this semester can be traced back here! A far away forgotten land. Waking up to smiling faces every day makes the nights torturous! The thought of retiring to the lonely bed makes me want to transfer my room to the Sitting room/Kitchen/T.v room/Study room/Chapel/Therapy room..
The Noisy Horn-bill of the village is up late in the morning. She says 'hellow' to everyone with a smile that would deceive the devil. Psycho is in the kitchen quietly making breakfast- pancakes and some hot chocolate, she's with her best friend (baby psycho) who is from the neighboring village. The two have been friends from Freshman year. Baby psycho has been a frequent visitor in this village that we thought it best if we gave her the corridors to put up her bed to save her the long walks back to her villager which was 3seconds away from ours. The two psychos are very normal before they have their morning concoction after that its down right psychosis the whole day-which is really cool. One of them thinks that she could save the world by painting pretty pictures and coloring while the other wants to free all the in mates in Kamiti prison to give them huggies and kisses.. ADORABLE *aiming loaded gun to head*. E.V.E The Diva quietly walks in the village as she prepares to go to class. She made sure that all her classes were in the morning so that she can have afternoons all to herself and use them to derail other people- very thoughtful of her! Sue-tell-her is sited comfortably in front of the T.V screen watching the morning news, i wonder if anything has changed since she saw the 6am morning news, who knows maybe Obama has bought a new pair of shoes- u wouldn't want to miss that now would you? She has a morning class but that isnt as half important as seing obama walk in his new shoes! Back in my room every thing is as peaceful as a tornado, my roommate is looking for what to wear to class.Yesterday she had to change her outfit because the perfume she wore clashed with the outfit- if you thought rocket science was hard, try matching an outfit with the correct perfume!! This is a very normal morning in my safe haven!

I walk in the village in the evening and all the divas are now gathered in the kitchen either cooking, watching the T.V or catching up with the days activity. This is where deep, silly, obscene, political, obnoxious, spiritual things are said. Albert Einstein could learn a few things from such gatherings. Yesterday mama decided to open a door that I never thought ever existed. She beckoned us to all behind our closets and get out our dinner dresses, at first i thought she was having a bad case hysteria but when EVE the diva came out of her room with a drop dead gorgeous dress no one wanted to fall short of the glorious pace that had been set! the 'uuuu-s ' and 'aaaa-s' filled the village! Some divas were advised to eat more and others to get other dresses for the ones they had were not fabulous enough to contain them. The mood had been set and every one (yes dear reader even me) tries out their 'well hidden, one time important dress'. oh the laughter the amazement, the teasing and appreciation that's in the village is breathtaking. Photos are taken, words said, images transformed and beauty at its very best is show cased. A boy wouldn't last 2 seconds in the village full of  these divas! Those that were thought to be 'tomboys' proof themselves diva-licious and eye brows are raised!
A Lovely day needless to say dear Diary,
Now Sited in the sitting room (now transformed to be a study room) Sue-Tell-Her and my roomy are busy reading for their CAT, Psycho is munching away and I am thinking of calling it a day. These is one of those days that I thank God with every breath I take because He gave me a safe haven where i can run and find refuge from the cruel world, the first breakup, and the hidden emotions of uncertainty. The rest of the divas are catching up with their beauty sleep and it is only a matter of time till i find myself in the lonely bed which i now share with the memories of a lost love. Good Night D. lets so this again tomorrow :)


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Dear Modern_Kenyan_man

I highly doubt i should start my blog with such a complex topic (yea i just said topic to sound all journalistic which i aignt,  but most of my family members would argue otherwise. That however is a blog for another day) ooh back to the point where i was saying that this is probably not a good place to start, the truth is i gave normalcy and society's expectation a shot and i have failed bigly (don't reach out for your dictionary yet- Bigly is yet to be put there but it will in due time.) Anyhuu i think being normal is overrated so i take pride in being called a psycho- not many's choice of title but like i said i didnt do too well in the normal world:)and what do they know right?

Maybe i should go back to the topic of discussion (wuhuu Ms. Kizito would be so proud of me for using those words -Topic of Discussion-) ok so here is the thing, leo i walked into to town to try out my newly acquired second pair of eyes and dazzle people with them but wat i saw made me want to go back home and sleep through this year. What happened to the boys in Nairobi? Was there an alien coo that got rid of all the boys and replaced them with a breed between boy and girl? Every where i turn my four eyes i see some dude in skinny jeans, a tight shirt and some pair of weird looking shoes (space shoes as they are called. they should be worn in people's dreams or SPACE). kama hii ndio inaitwa fashion..wake me up when its over Ala!!! This is outrageous! As if that is not enough we now have Man_bags i doubt there is anything manly about them but well-- they are there!!. I am not trying to hate on any one's fashion statement for that would be wrong en a tard bit unethical you know. But SERIOUSLY man_bags? skinny jeans? fitting tops? lip gloss...aaaiigh

So i walk in my least favorite joint that i haven't visited in a long time, not because i didn't like their well cooked diverse meal which is ALWAYS accompanied with some sort of meat (i should let you know that i am a devout vegetarian)but because their waiters are a little bit slower than any tortoise known to mankind. I head to the counter to get my 'take away' juice only to 'accidentally over hear' (some people would call it eavesdropping but thank God i'm not one of those people ) a conversation that i wish didn't hear. So there is this couple(by their body language it is evident even to a blind man that the two are more than good friends) sited right next to the cashier counter (i wonder if there should be a table at this point! trust lovely kikuyu's to make use of any space to capitalize on the profits), i don't know who had passed on but they both seemed like they were carrying the whole world on their shoulders. Being the Kenyan that I am, i wanted to know why they were wearing the long face not because i would offer any help but just to hear their story. Lady luck was on my side as an old man who was sitting behind them got up to leave throwing them the craziest look i have ever seen. I could have sworn that he was going to snap their little heads! I did not pay much attention to his look, but I wish I had. I almost broke my legs as i walked gracefully towards the old man, so as to have his seat before any other person thought of it. If I didn't give him the scare of his life then he must have been in the world war. As i gently eased myself on the seat i realized the couple had attracted most of the waiters' attention. One waiter walks over to me and asks what i was having, i took the Menu he was handing me and pretended to go through it. I knew i was having juice from the moment i walked through the door but it wouldn't kill to show the waiter that i too can be indecisive.'Niletee Mango juice tafathali' i said after what seemed like moments of careful deliberation. 'nime add 2kg from the last time nilijipima, do i look fat?' this statement almost threw me off the chair! it didn't end there 'jana Mike aliniambia ati kucha zangu hazikai fiti just coz sijaenda Mani for two weeks, aki look at the way they are' it took all the energy i had not to turn around and give this girl masquerading in a man's cloth a beating of a life time, she was giving the man, as we know him a bad name! I turned around to see the other girl with a stream of tears on her face! 'serves you right for hanging around such humans' i wanted to tell her but the sane voice in me told me to mind my own business. En the complains went on en on en..... I was ready to jump out from the 10th floor of KNH, by the time the waiter came back with my order.

I walk out of the joint head down and juice in my hand which i give to the little girl sited in the street with her mother. her mother goes on to thank me and shower me with blessings but the words which are now engraved in my genius mind make it difficult for me to say anything inspiration to the woman and i walk away in silence. As i board the matatu the whining of the man in the joint is so vivid that the greetings from the tout pass me by and i sit in the aura of my confusion. What happened to the 'flingstone man' who did not cry when he put on weight or used his teeth to cut his nails en put on decently. The one i didn't have to compete with in the salon, clothes store, beauticians, cosmetics, :( whateva happened to him? Now who will i obsess my weight gain,bad hair day en many other things to:( ooh well thank goodiness for my KingJulianDenzelDepp Character who i can always count on...


Tigoni Ebike Tour

  I did a THING! Woke up bright and early, drove to the end of the world (okay, fine, a few miles shy of THE END of the world) just to ride ...